Tag Archives: new job

Scary changes

Scary changes

New phases in life are…scary…interesting…exciting. It all depends on where you are coming from. Hannah, my dear friend, is just starting a new-ish phase in many ways and wonders sometimes if she will hack it. Separated, new job, new town, a kid on the way…she collapses in a heap on my shoulder. “Why don’t they stay? Why do I keep looking for love in intimate entanglements that get me nowhere? How will I feed this young ‘un with no ‘second hand’ to feed him/her?” she wailed, dramatically. She has been posted to Kakamega to open a… Continue reading →

Career Plunge

Career Plunge

There are many experiences we go through as career working women some of which we feel we are prepared for and others not so much. I guess the main reason I say this is because it can at times be challenging when you are trying to make your career work in your favour and the opposite seems to be happening. I recently decided to move jobs for many different reasons. Having written about already going through the pink slip experience, I never thought I would be writing my experience about resigning. I resigned for many… Continue reading →