Tag Archives: marriage

My relationship with my father (part 1)

My relationship with my father (part 1)

Our father-daughter relationship is an eternal bond. This will make or break her future escapades. I can still hear his cultured, controlled voice speaking of all things Art, Music, Architecture, Cuisine…and Fashion. That’s how well rounded his knowledge base was. He seemed to know everything there was to know about these artistic expressions. Little girls just have this thing, unspoken, between them and their daddies. He knows her. He understands her. When she is moody or twisting him round her little finger, more often than not, she tends to get her way. Hahaha. It’s a… Continue reading →

Where were you when I was Single? – Part 1

Where were you when I was Single? – Part 1

“Dude, didn’t that mama notice the ring on your finger?” “Wapi! Maybe she thought it was bling” “Bling on your wedding ring finger? Stop making up excuses for her Man” “What are you trying to say?” “I’m saying she wants you to give it to her like a Spartan!” “He he he, I’m a married Man” “Lawrence bana, what happened to you? Now I believe in Miracles kabisa!” “I don’t know. You really think that girl wanted me?” “Dude, she was all over you the whole night, took your number, introduced you to her friends,… Continue reading →

Curve balls in relationships

Curve balls in relationships

I thought I’d heard it all! This lady at the party was loudly bragging about her lover (another woman), because she realized that men weren’t ‘all that’! She claimed to have made the drastic change because women ‘get’ one another, with no explanations. “Women are expressive, not hard, like men. If am emotional, she doesn’t keep harassing me to style up and swallow it. She gets my bad days. She reaches out when am moody”. Clearly, the drink had got the better of her. Not that the ‘highly praised’ companion was any better!!! The room… Continue reading →

Is polygamy the answer?

Is polygamy the answer?

Why would a law that allows a man to take more than one wife be passed in a hugely Christian nation? Then an answer came to me loud and clear; the reason is the majority of the members are middle aged men with a serious case of the mid life crisis. Less than ten percent of the Kenyan parliament consists of women so they have little or no say on issues that matter to women. The law should be a reflection of the culture of the nation and according to Kenyan politicians, having more than one… Continue reading →

The concept of love

The concept of love

My dad has been trying to make me understand the concept of love and marriage. He keeps telling me that God chooses that perfect person for you. You fall in love deeply. A situation comes up and you break up/divorce that person. You go on dating other people and getting married but after years of marriage you divorce the person you are married to and you end up getting back together with that woman/man that you loved deeply. My dad gave me a few examples and I want to share some of them. The first… Continue reading →

Fatherhood, Seriousness & Boredom – Part 2

Fatherhood, Seriousness & Boredom – Part 2

After what seemed like an eternity in hell, he spoke. He asked what my plan was, and I told him exactly what I knew he wanted to hear. He asked if I loved his daughter, I said I did one hundred percent. If I had thought facing Milkah’s Dad was the hardest part about all this, I was zombie dead wrong. That was just the beginning. I remember going to bed that night and thinking phewx! I made it through the Shark Tank. What an idiot I was! So let’s recap. I am 29, single… Continue reading →

6 signs your boyfriend/husband is gay

6 signs your boyfriend/husband is gay

Oh you should have seen her. This girl was distraught. As far as she was concerned, her life had just taken an unlikely turn! How, how could this happen to her? Her name was Mary, and for the life of me, I cannot remember how I ended up in her confidant list. Mary is (although she isn’t sure anymore) married to an amiable and intelligent bloke named Francis. They have been in this matrimonial state for 8 years now, yes, 8 years! Blessed with two kids, a playful and curious boy named Mark and a… Continue reading →

Falling into love

Falling into love

My teen years were plagued by intense crushes that had me crying into the night, struggling for breath if my crush walked into the room or appeared on TV. Endless hours spent day dreaming of what our lives would be like. Ultimately, he would adore me and we would live happily ever after. Crush number 1… standard 8. I was pint sized, still flat chested but witty and extrovert. Ed had already broken his voice, had the shadow of a moustache and bulging mini-triceps. Quite the dish. I loved from afar, usually collapsing if he… Continue reading →

But…what if he likes me?!?

But…what if he likes me?!?

I bumped into this tweet by @MikeMunyi a few hours ago, and at first I felt slightly offended. It seemed like a huge generalization, while at the same time, it seemed to point directly at me. But then I took a moment to think about it, and there’s actually a lot of truth in that statement. I’m not sure why it rings so true. Speaking for myself, it’s pretty straightforward. I turn 30 in a few days, so my bio-clock should be roaring as I’m nearer to my sell-by-date. Luckily for me, I had my… Continue reading →

Of Men and Ambitious Spouses

Of Men and Ambitious Spouses

Well, it is known that ambition can creep as well as soar.” Edmund Burke ‘When I grow up I want to conquer the world, I’ve got to have my own job, my own car, and my own crib. I’ve got to be my own woman, totally independent.’ A group of young girls at a teenage workshop made these strong statements. It exhilarated me to see the determination that these young women had. Despite my support for their enthusiasm at living fruitful lives, it got my mind wondering of the older generation. Women who have stood… Continue reading →