Tag Archives: job
You lie awake doing the math and everything adds up to wealth and fortune. After all, numbers don’t lie. Counting the numbers imagining what you could do with all that money. Love sure breaks hearts but businesses break even more hearts! Raised expectations followed by massive disappointments in many cases. Massive debts, unreliable people, disappointing numbers, tested passions and broken dreams. It helps to be positive but it saves a whole lot more to be realistic. In the calculations, do you account for the fact that not everything goes according to plan? There is a… Continue reading →
We are all in the Rat Race, albeit in different categories: recent graduate, job hunter, employee or employer. We get caught up very often trying to keep up with this rat race. I believe that most people would love to sign out of the race and join in something different and somewhat more relaxed, but that would make life very boring and predictable. The rat race has us constantly working ourselves to death to earn a pay which is then supposed to balance our lifestyles and the cycle goes on, most of us with an… Continue reading →