Tag Archives: daughters

My relationship with my father (part 1)

My relationship with my father (part 1)

Our father-daughter relationship is an eternal bond. This will make or break her future escapades. I can still hear his cultured, controlled voice speaking of all things Art, Music, Architecture, Cuisine…and Fashion. That’s how well rounded his knowledge base was. He seemed to know everything there was to know about these artistic expressions. Little girls just have this thing, unspoken, between them and their daddies. He knows her. He understands her. When she is moody or twisting him round her little finger, more often than not, she tends to get her way. Hahaha. It’s a… Continue reading →

My daughter is raising me

My daughter is raising me

My daughter belongs so beautifully in my life that sometimes I think I imagined her. That I imagined her innocent stare, or her silky skin, or her bubbly baby talk. Or her soft hair. I had never imagined though, that my daughter would raise me. My daughter is raising me to be a morning person. In my hey-days, I was the ultimate 10 hours a night minimum kind of girl. Now, I am the ultimate early riser. Her wails at 4am every morning leave me with no choice but to save my eardrums and pick… Continue reading →

New breed of fathers

New breed of fathers

The atmosphere seems to be carrying some heavy expectancy…rushed…frantic. I don’t know what it is about this last quarter of the year (October to December) but it bears its own signature of the entire year. There’s a transition of sorts for someone (family friend) who has been in a stable relationship for the past 5 years. No children came of their union (which he deeply regrets). His wife is also handicapped but couldn’t see what she had to offer him after they discovered her uterus was damaged. He holds his chin in his hands as… Continue reading →

A Girl’s P’s and Q’s

A Girl’s P’s and Q’s

Looking at Miss D now, I can hardly imagine what a tumultuous relationship we have had in the past seven years or so. Soon turning nineteen, she is a total lady and so helpful to me. She has embraced college life with a vigor. She plans and help me settle into an early retirement, while enabling her siblings to have nothing but success and the best of life. Now that I look at her focus, her positive aspirations, her closeness to me and need to make all things good for her family. Wow! I thank… Continue reading →