Tag Archives: divorce
New phases in life are…scary…interesting…exciting. It all depends on where you are coming from. Hannah, my dear friend, is just starting a new-ish phase in many ways and wonders sometimes if she will hack it. Separated, new job, new town, a kid on the way…she collapses in a heap on my shoulder. “Why don’t they stay? Why do I keep looking for love in intimate entanglements that get me nowhere? How will I feed this young ‘un with no ‘second hand’ to feed him/her?” she wailed, dramatically. She has been posted to Kakamega to open a… Continue reading →
My teen years were plagued by intense crushes that had me crying into the night, struggling for breath if my crush walked into the room or appeared on TV. Endless hours spent day dreaming of what our lives would be like. Ultimately, he would adore me and we would live happily ever after. Crush number 1… standard 8. I was pint sized, still flat chested but witty and extrovert. Ed had already broken his voice, had the shadow of a moustache and bulging mini-triceps. Quite the dish. I loved from afar, usually collapsing if he… Continue reading →
Musing between how to end it or make it work…surely things cannot be this hard? Not if two people are really truly interested in sorting out the important issues? What else could he do after he realized that he couldn’t love her the way she wanted to be loved? At least not now…he was hurting too much about so many issues that she couldn’t understand. Yet he wondered why it was so difficult to reach her when she had seemed so approachable in the beginning. Maybe it was just the same cycle of coming round… Continue reading →