Category Archives: Mia’s Diary

Happy long-long-after-Valentines Day

Happy long-long-after-Valentines Day

We attract who we ARE not who we WANT. This has been one of my guiding phrases. I love it because it focuses the conundrum of love on you and not ‘those others’. Here’s the thought process: all your partners – former and current – have only one thing in common: you! You are the common denominator so if you are always attracting or attracted to a particular kind of person, then it’s up to you to explore if there is something in you that is similar to those characteristics that always appear in your… Continue reading →

Letter to Luis Moreno Ocampo

Letter to Luis Moreno Ocampo

Dear Mr. Ocampo, I hope this finds you well. I am writing this letter regarding the matter of Kenya’s 6 most wanted criminals by the ICC. I would love to say that I’m writing on behalf of all Kenyans but alas, I wouldn’t want to presume. I feel that a letter is necessary because things seem to be getting worse and not better. I was concerned when I saw the 6 alleged murderers and rapists working very hard to avoid prosecution. I was concerned, but not enough to write to you. However, many weeks after… Continue reading →

New Year Resolutions: Pass or Fail?

New Year Resolutions: Pass or Fail?

Happy New Year! I hope the year continues to unfold with the same optimistic energy it seemed to begin with. As per kawa, many people had New Year’s resolutions all made out. I thought I’d wait about 2 weeks before checking in to see how ya’ll were doing. So….how are you doing with those resolutions? Well, if I’m gonna ask you for info then the least I can do is give you some myself so here goes. One resolution was to stop using the word “F*#k” in all its variations. Permanently. Two weeks into the… Continue reading →

Jane & Steve: Update

Jane & Steve: Update

Last we talked,  Jane & Steve were having some issues. Here’s some of what has happened since then. Jane & Steve were actually doing better than usual. They had even made plans to go someplace that very week. It wasn’t a date and it wasn’t anything romantic but it was important to Jane and Steve agreed to take her. Steve didn’t come through for Jane within the agreed-upon time frame. However, one day he called and asked her to come over to his job because he’d found someone to fill in for him briefly while they… Continue reading →

Jane & Steve – The Beginning

Jane & Steve – The Beginning

I’ll jump right in and ask a question: when is enough, enough? At what point do you throw in the towel? At what point do you lay down your optimism and hard work and simply concede defeat? Check this (hypothetical) situation out: Boy meets girl or in this case, boy’s clumsiness brings him smack dab into the eye view of girl. Long story short, boy asks for girl’s number and a fun adventure begins. Except that boy wasn’t exactly looking for a girl and neither was girl looking for a boy. For purposes of this hypothetical… Continue reading →

Squished Boobs et al.

Squished Boobs et al.

When did squished boobs become a fashion statement? You know the look: beautiful formal/evening dress, tight on “all the right places” and about two sizes too small for the wearer’s double wares which get squished up and out, looking like muffin tops. I’m not the most fashion forward person in the world but I at least know that when parts of your body are literally pouring out, it isn’t sexy. Or is it? This got me thinking about other random things I’ve been wondering about like: When did it become ok to begin written sentences with the the… Continue reading →

This Woman’s Worth?

This Woman’s Worth?

These last few days, I found out what my apparent worth is. First, it was my male cousin – who has been drunk every single time we’ve met this year, btw. Anyway, he found it in his charge to give me advice for my life; something about purchasing land and blah blah blah. He wasn’t done yet though: he leaned closer to me, stinky breath and all, and half whispered that he was “ahead of me” because he had two children and I had none. Oooouuuucccchhhhh!!!! Did that hurt you just a bit? I was momentarily stunned and… Continue reading →

A New Dawn

A New Dawn

“It’s a new day, it’s a new dawn, it’s a new life…” or so goes the jazz song. On August 27th 2010, the new Kenyan constitution was promulgated. PS: I finally looked up the meaning of this long, eagerly used word and according to The Collins Paperback English Dictionary, Promulgation is “1. to put into effect (a law or decree) by announcing it officially…2. to make widespread.” Now you know; you’re welcome 🙂 CONGRATULATIONS to all Kenyans for making this huge, life- altering decision. Regardless of how one voted, let’s all move FORWARD and create… Continue reading →

Kenya’s 2nd Colonization

Kenya’s 2nd Colonization

What’s up with Kenyans’ obsession with all things American??? Case in point 1: Why on earth do we price things in US Dollars? I mean, when Kenya Airways advertises flights in USD, is that their way of telling us that they’re now “The Pride of America”? I know we have a lot of foreigners living here or travelling here but surely, does that mean that we must now ape what they do, say and are? Is it just me or didn’t we already go through this obsession in the mid to late 90’s? I remember… Continue reading →

Moving…Help Wanted

Moving…Help Wanted

My good people, I have news. Big news. HUUUUUGE news! Are you ready? I hope so because after I tell you, I’m gonna need your help, ok? I’M MOVING. Countries. Continents! I’m desperate for a change after 8 months in one place. Commitment-phobe anyone? LOL. Reasons don’t matter so much; maybe it’s just an itch that needs to be scratched (I’ve been known to do a couple of radical things every few years, including piercing my navel and shaving my head) or something more meaningful. All I know is that it could be a wonderfully life changing… Continue reading →