Category Archives: Kazi ni Kulea

Boxers and other Briefs

Boxers and other Briefs

A lot of us African Women get into fits of laughter over our men’s choice of innerwear for us. Unlike majority of our counterparts in Asia and Europe, our behinds are amply endowed. This means that we need a full fitting cloth to urm, cover those bare basics comfortably. Naturally there are exceptions to this rule. My great grandmother lived not very long ago. She was a newly wed girl when the first world war begun. Most African womenfolk did not know or wear inner wear back then. These were mostly introduced as bloomers for… Continue reading →

A Girl’s P’s and Q’s

A Girl’s P’s and Q’s

Looking at Miss D now, I can hardly imagine what a tumultuous relationship we have had in the past seven years or so. Soon turning nineteen, she is a total lady and so helpful to me. She has embraced college life with a vigor. She plans and help me settle into an early retirement, while enabling her siblings to have nothing but success and the best of life. Now that I look at her focus, her positive aspirations, her closeness to me and need to make all things good for her family. Wow! I thank… Continue reading →

Mine would never ever…

Mine would never ever…

I am laughing. I usually do when I bring these words to mind or hear someone uttering them. Life is so funny and so regular. Constantly you hear proud parents and guardians hard at it, vowing that their charges would “never ever “be caught doing this or that. Yet, saying this is akin to tempting fate. Just when you were sure they would “never ever”…they go and do a ridiculous, annoying and shocking thing. Sometimes worse than what you had vowed that they would never. Take love for instance. I used to swear by my… Continue reading →



A Lot of people are poor simply because they cannot adapt to frugality. They either choose not to, or do not know how to live cheap when occasion calls. For women, frugality is a blessing when times are hard and the home must keep moving. We get used to lifestyles reflected by our earnings. The more the merrier. The more also, the more extravagance sets in. When you have grown knowing or exposed to living frugally, you are well able to cut costs even drastically, when occasion demands. I know people who have raised sharply… Continue reading →

Bungee Jumping

Bungee Jumping

One of the hardest points of good parenting is getting to the point where you have to let your young ones go. When they get to the point where it’s:- “them against the world”. Like I said, it is only hard, if you are of the good parenting school. That is, merely knowing how hard, how tough and mean and cruel the world can be is enough to make a parent wish to delay cutting ties with their children. I would compare it to bungee jumping for the parent or guardian. Mark that this apprehension… Continue reading →

No face to loose

No face to loose

A few weeks ago, a girlfriend came by to see me over four o’clock tea on a Sunday. I am of the old school that still does high tea. Because of my three loves,and with funds allowing, I have a whole treat spread out for high tea. Back to girlfriend. She had come to let me know about some gossip she was involved in, with people/ friends, who did not imagine that she and I were close and even related by marriage. Anyway, the jist of it all, was that she had been privy to… Continue reading →

Of boys, breasts and abs

Of boys, breasts and abs

When Sonny was younger, around nine to twelve, he was a chubby boy. The minute he got twelve however, pre-teen hood set in. He became worried about his weight, which to me was just so fine for a growing boy.  It suddenly became important that he wasn’t taller, slimmer and did not have a base in his voice tone. I tell you. kids! Chubby boys will, as a result of all the fat, get breasts. I mean, it just follows that if you are heavy around the torso, that area too will fill– outward. But… Continue reading →

Green-eyed monster

Green-eyed monster

Envy is known as one of the most powerful human emotions for its ability to control one, as if envy was an entity in itself. It is the pain or frustration caused by another person having something that one does not have oneself. Aristotle defined envy (phthonos) as ” the pain caused by the good fortune of others”. In Buddhism the third of the four divine abidings is mudita . This virtue is considered the antidote to envy . Islam, warns envy can destroy one’s good deeds. Therefore, one must be content with what God… Continue reading →

A Season to relax

A Season to relax

Psalm 46:10 Be still, and know that I am God. Sometimes Our Good Lord just wants us to stop working at whatever problem we are facing, to pause in solution hunting, to lay down the tools of war, to stop praying while crying, to cease the loud lamentations, and just be at peace and leave it all to Him. In this instruction to us, we are asked to dare to believe. I am a true believer- no matter what level of sinner the world may label me. I tell you! There are moments when I will stop… Continue reading →

Chivalry AWOL

Chivalry AWOL

I have endeavored to keep account mainly about child upbringing and single parenthood to date. However, today I will digress and talk about men and the current lack of chivalry among them. So much is being said about us women having become so easy to get, loose, immoral etc. However, for every action, there is a reaction. Men today have no qualms about lamenting on and on about how women have worn trousers and taken up their roles. Harken men! This is a sign that you have so failed to do your bit, that woman-… Continue reading →