Category Archives: Family
Remember when I was four years old and I refused to sing the National anthem in school? In my four-year old mind, I thought that having a teacher as a mother should earn me some privileges- like getting out of singing, which I really hated. Your version of the story was that I folded my hands on my back and said: “I am not singing, my mother is a teacher.” The teacher, quite alarmed, told you when you came to pick me from school that I had started “growing horns quite early”. But you were… Continue reading →
So…as Kenyans come to terms with women carrying on and marrying multiple husbands, the rest of us face each day with consistent energy and pace. Yes, it makes for an amusing piece of news…but imagine how that conversation went. Living with one and spending a number of decades trying to get the grasp of how his world spins, you can imagine how I marvelled at how these 2 women can keep a number of men pleased and content…those secrets would make many a bestseller. What makes a lady take on multiple lovers? How about those… Continue reading →
“There’s a lot more to being a woman than being a mother, but there’s a hell a lot more to being a mother than most people suspect” Roseanne Barr I have a confession. I hereby confess that nothing, nothing, nothing could have prepared me for being a mom. Don’t get me wrong, it has more perks than cons, but even moms need to get away from it all ….and recently I ran away from home… again. Let me explain. My brood of 3 range in age between 17 and 11. My teen daughter constantly reminds… Continue reading →
The other day, I was watching KTN’s Case files and I couldn’t help shedding tears. This particular story was about a young girl (very young I might add) who killed her baby so that she could have time to care of her ailing father. Though I don’t believe that’s the reason she did it, I feel her pain. She was clearly a child when she had that baby. In addition to being a child physically, she had the mind of a child. Am sure you are wondering why she killed the child? According to her,… Continue reading →
It’s horrifying how families are under attack… daily!! Its now out there for all to partake of… The headlines scream of yet another brutal battering…and this time, neither the high and mighty nor the lowly are spared. The base actions of anger expressed are well evident; high level delegate batters wife, man kills family then strangles himself, man takes poison after domestic quarrel. Yes, admittedly, some of these men simply have undealt with issues that are no excuse for meting punishment on a lady who just didn’t see where he was coming from. But, at the risk… Continue reading →
I have this neighbour who has a really hot bike. I wish I was sharp enough to say it has XYZ horsepower, carries ABC cc and has a carburator distributor thingamawhatsit, but all I know is it’s hot, and it’s black. I’m so enamoured with that bike that every time he rolls it by, I give a compliment. To the bike, not the guy. He parks it outside my door, so I’ve seen him move it a dozen times, but I have not once looked at his face. And no, it’s not the helmet. One… Continue reading →
These last few days, I found out what my apparent worth is. First, it was my male cousin – who has been drunk every single time we’ve met this year, btw. Anyway, he found it in his charge to give me advice for my life; something about purchasing land and blah blah blah. He wasn’t done yet though: he leaned closer to me, stinky breath and all, and half whispered that he was “ahead of me” because he had two children and I had none. Oooouuuucccchhhhh!!!! Did that hurt you just a bit? I was momentarily stunned and… Continue reading →
Single Motherhood is becoming prevalent not just in our Society but Globally. Whatever circumstances that lead one to become a single mother, there are very pertinent questions to be asked by all. In Kenya, the biggest problem is the perceptions and stereotyping exercised on single mothers and their children,in the 21st Century!! The problem is NOT ignorance, everyone is aware that times have changed; it is a deliberate Patriachial Mentality by our Society that has REFUSED to change with the times. In my opinion, the macho male mentality is ‘afraid of losing Power’ if they… Continue reading →