Category Archives: Beauty
Hi, I want to dare with make up you get? Like try lipstick that stands out and apply make up everyday. Do you know of any make up artist who is pocket friendly and can help me do this? Please I need this change as I have not been taking good care of myself and that is about to change. Ninz Photo credit: Ambrozjo
Hi Lily, I love jewelry!!! That is the bottom line. The accentuate physical beauty beautifully if adorned rights. I however have no clue as to what jewelry best suits me. I have a round face and chocolate complexion. Please advice me on the best shape and color of earrings, necklace/chains, I should have. Thanks. Cynthia Photo credit: abcdz2000
So what determines the kind of hair do we put on, what motivates us to don the kind of hairstyle we have, is it a personal preference, is it something our hair stylist recommended or is it just moving with the current; what is big on the streets motivation. ‘Mwanamke ni nywele’ is a saying I have heard so many times, so what kind of woman do we want the world to judge us to be depending on our hair do. I have observed what most women are doing to their hairs and sometimes I… Continue reading →
My friend says there are two kinds of people: them and us. And whatever you do (or don’t do) will classify you as one of those people. So I suppose it’s expected I’d be judged by my hair, and for the last twelve years, I’ve been classified as one of ‘those’ women because I had dreads. Initially, I spent a lot of time claimining I wasn’t one of ‘them’. My hair wasn’t any kind of statement. I simply saw the look on Jeri from Parent ‘Hood, loved it, tried it, dyed it, and kept it… Continue reading →
“So … I’ve been meaning to ask you … did you get a new boyfriend or something?” “Why?” “Because lately you’re all styled up and glamorous and make-up and everything!” We were in the bathroom at an office party. My workmate is the most gorgeous human being I’ve ever seen. She has pouty lips, luscious lashes, dark curly hair, and the slightest blush. She’s 5’9, a true African beauty with generously yummy curves, superb hips, and a flat tummy. She’s one of those girls who could wear a pillow case with a belt and look… Continue reading →
I’m sure you’ve all seen them, the dreadlocked, curly-haired, braided, kinky-tressed (or Afro-kinky-tressed) ladies all over town. These days when I walk around the city centre, or go to any event that has several ladies in attendance, I notice it. More than half of the ladies have some form of natural hair style. Is it a trend? Yes. Is it more than a trend? I think so. I think the natural hair phenomenon is more than a sensation and it is here to stay. I am one of the natural-hair sporting ladies I’m talking about. After several… Continue reading →
Don’t need you to tell am pretty to make me feel beautiful..this beauty I know, comes from inside my heart – Samantha Mumba Apart from high school where circumstances forced me to wear a skirt, and mercifully the knee length socks used to cover my legs, wearing skirts had been a no go zone for me. One mean girl was actually bold enough to label them ‘hockey sticks’ and trust me it hurt bad to hear that. As it so happens when you tell a young person that a certain part of their body is… Continue reading →
“Beauty is more than skin-deep. Beauty is unique grace and confidence, a shining light that sparkles through the eyes and smile. It’s not what you look like; it’s what you project.” – Beauty Den Beauty Odyssey mainly focuses on improving our physical appearance by using cosmetics. Today I would like us to focus ourselves. I picked the term “Beauty Odyssey” because life is a journey. It’s a constant evolution and with each passing year comes changes. These changes also occur in our bodies, our looks, and our skin. How we deal with these inevitable changes… Continue reading →
Many of us do not understand what the term SPF really means. I know that the higher the SPF labeled on the sunscreen, then the better protected I am form the sun, or is it? Most doctors recommended we apply a sunscreen of between SPF 15 and SPF 30. But there are sunscreens out there that have an SPF of 70+. So does it offer me maximum protection from say the sunscreen with SPF 15. I always used to wonder about this recommendation. If there are products with higher SPF’s, then why don’t doctors recommend… Continue reading →
For a while now, I’ve wanted to dye my hair purple. I got the idea from a close pal, who also got me enrolled in a gym. I’d always known that if I had caucasian hair, I’d wear it spiky and tinted, but I’d never seriously thought of colouring my dreads. Once I settled on the idea, I had to find the right shade. Most shops have brown, black, Burgundy, blonde, and – believe it or not – grey. I did manage to find ulraviolet-black, blue-black, and something called aubergine. At first, I thought I… Continue reading →