Author Archives: waruguru

Do Australians have the right to be bigots?

Do Australians have the right to be bigots?

We live in the age that someone is fined 2.5 million dollars for racist comments as in the case of Donald Sterling, owner of the American NBA team Clippers. This is the same man who was about to receive a lifetime achievement award for donating consistently and generously minority charities and giving game tickets to inner city children. He also turned the Clippers, a team with mainly people of color from 15 million business to 1.9 billion business. This makes his players some of the most highly paid sports stars in the industry. All this… Continue reading →

Is polygamy the answer?

Is polygamy the answer?

Why would a law that allows a man to take more than one wife be passed in a hugely Christian nation? Then an answer came to me loud and clear; the reason is the majority of the members are middle aged men with a serious case of the mid life crisis. Less than ten percent of the Kenyan parliament consists of women so they have little or no say on issues that matter to women. The law should be a reflection of the culture of the nation and according to Kenyan politicians, having more than one… Continue reading →

Saving tips for ladies

Saving tips for ladies

This is for all the independent ladies, hustling everyday and looking good while doing it. Statistics show that despite the rise in the income and education that women still retire with less money than men. Women are now earning almost as much as men and have the same opportunities as men so it seems the problem is not environmental but within the women themselves. The following are tips that may help you save more; 1. Don’t be a martyr You do not need to bail everyone out. You do not need to save your boyfriends,… Continue reading →

5 Ways to look naturally look younger

5 Ways to look naturally look younger

1. Exercise According to Dr. Oz Mehmet, the one thing that a person can do to reduce aging is exercise. Exercise helps maintain healthy weight, improves muscle mass, improves blood circulation and produces endorphins that help with stress management. One should aim for an hour of moderate exercise per day .A fast walk round the neighbourhood would suffice. 2. Skin care The first step for younger fresher skin is a great daily routine that includes; sunscreen, cleansing, moisturising and hydrating. It starts in the morning by cleansing applying a vitamin C antioxidant cream and then… Continue reading →

5 steps to a flatter tummy

5 steps to a flatter tummy

I was watching the Victoria Secret 2013 show and I kept wondering , how are this seemingly innocent no smarter than me girls manage to beat the stomach bulge. Some of the Victoria Secret models have had children like Miranda Kerr. Heidi Klum has had more than one child. Yet, they remain slim and have flat stomach. This are some of the tips that I found in common with not only the Victoria secret models but a lot of women like us who have beaten the bulge. 1. Drink plenty of water According to the… Continue reading →

Getting over a cold naturally

Getting over a cold naturally

I recently got a bout of flu and cold, I thought I was going to die from the coughing, fever, headache and sore throats. Since I am not big fan of pharmaceutical medicines this is what I used to finally beat the cold. 1. Clean filtered water Water is a great decongestant and expectorate, It is also very soothing for a dry throat.Water can be very hard to drink because it is tasteless, to make it easier to drink you can flavour with tumeric, salt, garlic, tea ,apple cider vinegar, bay leaves, honey or ginger…. Continue reading →

Keys to wealth

Keys to wealth

All of us have a deep desire to be wealthy but the sad truth is most of us are doomed to live ordinary lives. Warren Buffet  says the only  reason that he and Bill gates are billionaire is that ; the things that they love to do are very profitable. If they were born in a different generation they would have ended up just like the rest of us; average. However there is no reason why we all can’t make the best of our situation and be successful at where we are in life.  1…. Continue reading →