Author Archives: wacumureithi
Goodness we need to teach the men in this country how to prioritize. I watched a couple a few weeks back coming from a parking lot in the city. Remember that Parking in Nairobi cots a bundle, only the first hour is free in most places. This fact will be important at the end of the story. It is also very important for me to point out that this couple is under the age of 23. Probably a college guy with mom’s car taking his girlfriend out to lunch on the Thursday right before Easter… Continue reading →
Easter weekend is the longest holiday weekend of the year. It is four straight days of absolute freedom from work or school and whatever tight schedules you usually have to put up with. If you are like me and don’t mix work and play, it could also be the annual cause for a holiday budget just so you don’t have to spend it alone on the sofa with popcorn and at least eight DVDs of movies and TV series you haven’t seen. Four straight days of absolutely no plan is a nightmare. No Ifs Buts… Continue reading →
It has often been said that women are helpless, that we can’t even fix our own light bulbs. That would ordinarily be insulting but wait till I put it into perspective. It might not be such a bad thing after all. The average guy finds it very easy to pick a fight over anything even someone stepping on their shoes, and mind you so am I especially if I am not sober. The distinction can be found in the fact that if it is between a guy and a girl, that it was a guy… Continue reading →
“My baby he don’t talk sweet, He aint got much to say, But he loves me loves me, loves me, loves me, I know that he loves me anyway, And maybe he don’t dress fine, But I don’t really mind, ‘Cause every time he pulls me near I just want to cheer. Let’s hear it for the boy, Let’s give the boy a hand, Let’s hear it for my baby, You know you gotta understand” Deniece Wiliams- Let’s Hear it For the Boy Columbia Records (1984) I write this for all the good men in… Continue reading →
The first time I ever wrote an article I wanted to earn money from it. I thought I was so good. I wanted to send it to someone and get hired on the spot 🙂 I was 18, I think, so pardon my naiveté. I wanted to be a feature writer in the Saturday magazine like Oyunga Pala. (As much as most people think he’s a chauvinist pig, he reeks pure genius in my books. You know how hard it is to have a steady column for around ten years on the same topic every… Continue reading →
Am reading for exams this week and I can tell you one thing, it’s not half bad. This semester I am taking this unit called Women in The Legal Process. I took it because it sounded easy not that am a feminist or anything but I sure am glad I did now. It is really interesting. The most interesting part however as it turns out is for me was on sexual violence. Maybe am a little weird for liking the discourse but it speaks to me. It really all makes sense now. Violence against women… Continue reading →
Confession time, my late mother-God rest her soul-told us this a few years ago when I had my son, that none of all five of us ever had a bath until we were at least three years old. Imagine!! None of us! I can just imagine the amount of dirt I had on me, and the dirt on grind that ended up in that ‘karai’ at the end of that first time. The purpose of that story when she told it was to stop me from insisting that I should wash my son everyday when… Continue reading →
I am a cartoon freak. There I said it. I didn’t wait for someone else to say it first. I have been forced to admit it because I was half an hour late leaving the house today because I was watching a commentary on new 3D releases that were made in 2009. Go figure!!! Anyway, it has recently come to my attention that we don’t all watch cartoons for the same reason. Some people just think they are funny. Some people get life experience from them (like me) and some people just see the colorful… Continue reading →
I took the longest Christmas break this past Christmas. I just packed up a bag of a few pairs of jeans and a couple of my favorite t shirts and left my life. I didn’t say anything to anyone, well except my siblings. I didn’t say how long I would stay except to my closest friends. I just left. That is actually why I haven’t written in a long while. I couldn’t. I didn’t have my trust cyber café up the street that I sit at with a packet of yogurt and write. I had… Continue reading →
Is it just my imagination or are men in Nairobi are getting less courteous as the days go by. I have been clicked at by two men in the last one week and I can’t stop getting irritated even by the thought of it. How now!! Imagine, a man clicking at a woman!! Kwani nani mama kuliko mwingine? Call me when you have been in labor for 18 hours and you can click at me all you like. And that isn’t even the half of it. We are physically being man handled everyday and we… Continue reading →