Author Archives: Suki
1. Ankara/Kitenge This is the African fabric that is very popular in West Africa and for the longest time has been associated with older women. The kitenge has evolved to become a fashion titan to be reckoned with. You can spot young women in the streets of Nairobi rocking it in different creative design from skirts, jumpsuits and dresses to blazers and accessories like earrings and bangles. Don’t be afraid to experiment and play with these African prints. If in doubt of how awesome this trend is, look to high profile fashionistas like Beyoncé and Solange… Continue reading →
The 20s is when our lives start taking shape. Baby fat shading, acne clearing and meeting boys is one of the good things that happen at this crucial age. Below are some of the things I wish someone had told me when I was 19 but then life wouldn’t be as interesting if it had a manual. Experience, they say is the best teacher so here goes. Embrace Healthy Eating Our bodies are like a machine; take care of it by servicing it and you will experience fewer breakdowns. Long life isn’t really guaranteed but… Continue reading →
Drop the last year into the silent limbo of the past. Let it go, for it was imperfect, and thank God that it can go – Brooks Atkinson Another new year and as always I am in a reflective mood. My achievements for 2010? Just a few. Did I achieve my New Year resolutions? I have no idea because I have never had them simply because I forget them soon as the first day of the year end so I decided never to bother with them instead I have goals, well written in my head…. Continue reading →
Don’t need you to tell am pretty to make me feel beautiful..this beauty I know, comes from inside my heart – Samantha Mumba Apart from high school where circumstances forced me to wear a skirt, and mercifully the knee length socks used to cover my legs, wearing skirts had been a no go zone for me. One mean girl was actually bold enough to label them ‘hockey sticks’ and trust me it hurt bad to hear that. As it so happens when you tell a young person that a certain part of their body is… Continue reading →
Online shopping is very new to us Kenyans and most of us haven’t tried it yet. You don’t have to ask why it hasn’t become popular what with fraudsters so common in Nairobi. Many have fallen prey to cyber crime around the world so it’s wise to tread with caution with this online shopping thingy. Let me share my personal experience. Most of you especially Facebook users have seen many online shopping advertising their goodies. Well there is one which specialises in bags and seeing this advert like 3 times a day on Facebook my… Continue reading →
‘Madam ngojea switi’, the rude cashier at the supermarket said to me a few days back. I was so mad I told him to put the coins in the Red Cross till at the counter. Sadly this trend has become very rampant in supermarkets not only in Nairobi but across Kenya despite CBK issuing a statement saying that there are enough coins in circulation. Some supermarkets are so notorious to the extent that they have notices on their walls facing you at the counter saying they are experiencing a coin shortage yadayada like that’s our… Continue reading →
Its dusk A young woman is on her way to catch a mat happy to be on her way home. She is walking with a man who she thinks of as her ‘protector ‘ just in case after all it’s not like anything ever happens, maybe to other people never to her. Chatting animatedly to her companion, the young girl has no idea what lies ahead of her. It’s quite a stretch to this particular stage but no worries there is lots of traffic around though it’s quite dark now, almost there. No incident yet…. Continue reading →
I saw a feature in the news recently about a very offensive topic that we face everywhere around us be it at home, in matatus, at work etc- Body odour. The most affected areas on our bodies are hands, under the armpits, around the genitals and feet. What is B.O? According to Wikipedia, B.O is the smell of bacteria growing on the body. These bacteria multiply rapidly in the presence of sweat, but sweat itself is almost completely odorless to humans. Body odor can smell pleasant and specific to the individual, and can be used… Continue reading →
When we were young we had dreams and ambitions that were boundless. “I wana be a lawyer, teacher, doctor, pilot etc” were the songs that we used to sing merrily with a clear mental image of yourself as a profession in your dream field. Let’s just say 90% didn’t turn out as expected. Life with its usual irony took over and we all learned the hard way that not all dreams come true. Some of us gave up along the way, some passed away- RIP and some just well sunk into despair consequently hard drugs,… Continue reading →
I watched Maina Kageni on Capital Talk on K24 (Oooool Kenyan, Oooool the time don’t you just love Jeff Koinange?) and what I was hearing was complaints, complaints, and more complaints. According to Maina men are letting their women down and the ladies are complaining to Maina now the hubbys are complaining about Maina. What is it that men in our society are doing wrong? Women are complaining everywhere the young and old alike. I can remember growing up I was constantly reminded how men are devious and liars, that they tell you everything you… Continue reading →