Author Archives: Njoki

Mwanamke ni nywele

Mwanamke ni nywele

So what determines the kind of hair do we put on, what motivates us to don the kind of hairstyle we have, is it a personal preference, is it something our hair stylist recommended or is it just moving with the current; what is big on the streets motivation. ‘Mwanamke ni nywele’ is a saying I have heard so many times, so what kind of woman do we want the world to judge us to be depending on our hair do. I have observed what most women are doing to their hairs and sometimes I… Continue reading →

Teach me how to say NO

Teach me how to say NO

It is human nature or so I believe to have a difficult time saying no, we always give in to spending money or our time in activities we have no interest in. recently I spent so much money buying a book which I probably will never read, but I just couldn’t say no to the sales man. There he was with a bunch of motivational books and there I was the new kid on the block, I have only been at my new workstation one month. The first time he came I promised I’d listen… Continue reading →

An obsession with fads

An obsession with fads

Human psychology shall forever remain a mystery to me, it’s funny how our minds are tricked into doing something because others are doing it, or because you will be considered cool once you do it. When it comes to fashion, there are items which seem to flood the market over a certain period of time. Our minds are tricked into purchasing these items because everyone across the globe seems top have one and we don’t want to be left behind. I have to admit that women are the worst victims when it comes to fashion… Continue reading →