Author Archives: nettah

Dust off the Shelves

Dust off the Shelves

My father is a wise man. He doesn’t realise it but many times he says the wisest things. We were having a deep conversation about life and achieving our dreams and he told me something about myself that I needed to hear. He told me that I am multi-talented and there are so many things I am good at but I like to limit myself. I have endless possibilities to do something that will change my life. I get excited when I start doing something, but my problem is that I get easily bored and… Continue reading →

Mr Right may not be the right kind of guy

Mr Right may not be the right kind of guy

Have you ever met Mr. Right? You know, that guy who has everything you’ve ever wanted. He’s a gentleman, he’s sweet, he’s caring, he’s there for you and he’s funny. He’s basically what you have always wanted. You are so excited at finding such a wonderful man. He’s the missing part in your life. He even comes up with the name of your future kids. Months fly by and you meet his friends and some of his family. Everything is good; it’s your perfect fairy tale. Then you start thinking this is too good to… Continue reading →

Anchor for the soul

Anchor for the soul

I had decided to be hopeless about relationships just because one guy ruined me. I had decided to believe that all the good men were taken and the ones around are still trying to figure out what they want to be when they grow up…which for some it’s true. I had lost the point of relationships wondering how the hell I was going to trust someone again. So for months I’ve been living with a dark cloud hanging over my head. It’s funny how when you lose hope in one small thing you end up… Continue reading →

The concept of love

The concept of love

My dad has been trying to make me understand the concept of love and marriage. He keeps telling me that God chooses that perfect person for you. You fall in love deeply. A situation comes up and you break up/divorce that person. You go on dating other people and getting married but after years of marriage you divorce the person you are married to and you end up getting back together with that woman/man that you loved deeply. My dad gave me a few examples and I want to share some of them. The first… Continue reading →

Personal decisions

Personal decisions

Lately I have started applying makeup and dressing better. Most of my friends and people I know keep asking which guy is in my life that has made me change so much. My dad even asked me whether I was getting peer pressure from my friends with the whole makeover. It’s really disappointing when people attribute my change to a guy in the picture. Well, there is no guy and there is no peer pressure. I made the decision for a makeover all by myself. For years I had always dressed as a tomboy. Then… Continue reading →

The Past

The Past

The past is a construct of the mind, it blinds us, it fools us into believing it. The heart wants to live in the present,look there you’ll find your answer. Total Recall Easier said than done. Most of us want to live in the present and look forward to the future but our past keeps holding us back. We hold on to our past so much that we are scared of it happening again. I’m a culprit when it comes to holding on to my past. I recently decided to quit relationships for an indefinite time…. Continue reading →