Author Archives: missdharma
Many men think women are complicated. You know the old tale that a woman really does not know what she means when she says what she means. Here is classic scenario; my friend met this really nice guy at her place of work. The man in question is well educated and seems to be geared to take the world by storm seeing that he works as an aircraft engineer and he is depended upon as much as the captain in any flight he takes. With his educational qualification and job description we have his bank… Continue reading →
So Lady Love has been quiet for some time but guess what I must say that it is for the better. This is because it has been a time for me to read research and practice, practice, practice. I feel obliged to ask this question. Knowing well that sex education is important in our society following that teens are doing what has forever been our “adults only “indulgence. My question is, do fireworks go off when you have your big O? Or can we comfortably say that something just a little tingly feeling happens when… Continue reading →
A lot has been said about finding the ideal mate and yet many of my girlfriends including me, always complain about the men or man in our lives. So what kind of homosapien are we really looking to find or even better hoping to spend eternity with? CONFIDENT In the book Act like a lady, think like a man, Steve Harvey says that men look for a woman who will hold his hand tighter when usher passes by all sexy and sweaty with money dropping from his pockets and still say,”baby, You are the man!!”… Continue reading →
The high value attributed to being a gentleman has been diminished in recent times, with the need to balance good gentlemanly conduct with respecting a woman’s equality. Many men shy away from traditional “chivalric” gestures, for fear of being labeled a misogynist. The lack of suitable role models to show us how to behave has made true gentlemen increasingly rare. Today, we will attempt to redress that balance, by showing you 10 of the most important gentlemanly gestures to use when you are on a date. These are sometimes subtle, but always significant, ways of… Continue reading →
We’ll admit it: We’re nosy bitches pardon my French. But just because we start prying into your past doesn’t mean we really want to know that much about your ex. Ignorance is bliss sometimes, so check out the 10 things we don’t want to hear you say about your ex-girlfriend. Read the full article here.
Been together, like, forever? Reclaim that falling-in-love rush with fun date ideas he’ll be into. When you first fall in love, everything you share produces an adrenaline rush because it’s all brand-new. But, as you’ve no doubt figured out, that mind-blowing novelty factor does inevitably start to dissipate, and you settle into more of a routine. That’s when the love buzz is in danger of being replaced by, well, boredom. Read the full article here.
Every year, we make resolutions to try to ensure that we are sexier, richer and happier than the year before. Though these resolutions are very admirable, the small print says: “individual results may vary.” Whether you fulfill your resolutions or not is neither here nor there, the important thing is that you: 1) Understand that there may be problems you haven’t addressed until now; and, 2) Want to improve yourself and your life — in this case, your sex life. Nothing has to be wrong in your sex life to use these ideas. In fact,… Continue reading →
Not many of us think of experimenting with make up until we are in high school second form to be precise. During my time the best we could do was face powder (white in colour), black eye pencil that we would use as the only make up tool. We line our eyebrows, our lips heck even the infamous faux beauty spot. Times have changed and so I hope we threw all these mistakes out of the window and styled up a little bit. I hope that since you are on the lily review you own… Continue reading →