Author Archives: KEEN
Yesterday I came across an interesting article titled Why girls should date Computer Wizards and Geeks. The author gives the following advice to ladies: Instead of trying out relationships with a guy who is unpredictable and who may end up hurting them, girls can save themselves a lot of trouble by dating geeks and computer wizards. This guys are perfect, almost godly perfect for a relationship that one may think they are dating cupid himself. According to the author some the pros of dating a geeks are as follows: They are not players They are… Continue reading →
Today we are celebrating The Lily Review’s 1st anniversary. Its been an awesome ride thanks to our contributors (Ann, Bailey, Crystal Ading’, Davie Doves, Dorothy, Emerald Sua, Kui, Lawrence, Mia, Miss Dharma, Prisca W Mwangi, Wacu Mureithi and Wanjiku Kariuki) and most of all, our readers. We appreciate all your comments and the feedback you have been giving. Join us as we continue to build The Lily Review Community by asking your friends to join our Facebook page and to follow us on Twitter. For those who use RSS Feed Readers, you can get the… Continue reading →
From the talk and the number of the Facebook groups propping the contestants, it looks like its going to be a close one. It wont be like Idols East Africa where Eric was in the finals with Nicolette but it was clear he was going to win. That last show was merely a formality! This time the compe is tight. Alpha Caroline Maureen Ng’ang’alito Patricia With 3 days to go, who do you think is going to take it home? Share your thoughts in the comments. Update Saturday was definitely not Maureen’s night! First Juliana… Continue reading →
“It doesn’t matter!” Other than the butchering of MoTown hits, thats the only thing I remember from Sunday’s show. There were are the likes Patricia who did well but that is besides the point. After Juliana commented about Christian’s performance all he had to say was “It doesn’t matter!” Ian gave him a deserved msomo after which Christian was all apologetic and humble. Will he go home this week or will the ladies save him again? Share your thoughts in the comments.
The Hawayu Show is Omosh’s attempt to fly solo after being brought to the lime light by the Churchill Show. It premiered on Wednesday 15th 2009 on KTN. It has an interesting set with a Tuk Tuk on the stage. Share your thoughts on the show in the comments.
The Lily Review is spotting a new look. Let us know in the comments what you think of it. The mobile version of the site (which can be accessed by pointing your mobile phone browser to has also been revamped. Share your thoughts on the mobile version in the comments.
The XYZ show is a political satire show that uses animated characters. It premiered on Sunday 17th May 2009 on Citizen TV. The show had many interesting previews like the one with Ruto ‘akichoma mahindi’. This was a brilliant show with quality graphics well executed. Kudos to the guys behind it. Share your thoughts on the show in the comments.
Social bookmarking websites allow you to store and share links to websites across the internet. You can share these links both with friends and people with similar interests. You can also access your links from any computer you happen to be using. This is a great way organize websites or articles that you find interesting. So, if you come across an article on The Lily Review that you find interesting and want to save for future reference or share it with other people, simply click on one of these links (at the bottom of each… Continue reading →