Author Archives: FabGuru
I’m seated on the couch one Saturday morning, having my breakfast and watching crazy cartoons. This particular one gets my attention; the setting is in ancient times. The men are fighting and killing each other in these nice gladiator shoes and even after the repetitive in between commercials, I keep thinking about those gladiators. (Yes, it’s all about the shoes). Later in the afternoon walking around the malls, I see the same gladiators. The gladiator shoe fashion trend came a few seasons ago but they were initially there since the ancient Roman time. Back then… Continue reading →
So we are seated in traffic and from afar we spot a traffic police coming towards our car for inspection. What immediately runs through everyone’s mind is to buckle their seat belts lest one is served with a fine even though this should be obvious; buckling your seat belt the minute you get into a car, for safety reasons. We quickly buckle our seat belts and smile naughtily at the police officer peeping through the window. That incident last week reminded me of belts and how it seems like everywhere I turn I see someone… Continue reading →
Am I the only one who thinks that fashion in the 70’s was way cool? I was going through some old family albums and found some very interesting pictures of mum and her friends in the 70’s. I must admit, those were some good ol’ fashion days. I’m talking about the flared trousers, halter neck suits, bell bottoms, mini-skirts and the maxi dresses. Fast forward to 2010; the same fashion trends of the 70’s, like the mini dresses are slowly taking over the fashion scene. Mini dresses have come and it seems they are here… Continue reading →
A while ago, cramming all your essentials to the point of spilling over in that huge handbag was the norm of the day. Was that extra pair of shoes or that roll of tissue really necessary? How about the length of time, sometimes tens of minutes, it took you to locate your house keys or your ringing mobile phone that you had to spill everything on the floor just to find what you were looking for? Well, you can now wave bye bye to those days because it clutch time! There are two things that… Continue reading →
I know you must be wondering, what exactly is a ‘must have’? Well, let me take you back to last Friday; place-Maggies, time-4pm. I was out with a girlfriend for a quick coffee with creamy lemon cake before heading home. Usually this is the time of day when a lot of people (mostly ‘office’ working types) are walking in and out for coffee dates with post-mortem chit-chat sessions about the office politics and gossip. As we were chatting away with my friend, this lady walked in standing at 5’5 maybe in her mid-twenties and judging… Continue reading →
It’s mid-month and bad hair days continue to plague you every day as find your way to work or school or perhaps as you run errands. At the back of your mind it seems like you have no time or money to visit the salon. So, what do you do? Simply, just get a head wrap and cover that disaster on your head from the masses! At least that’s what I do. Frankly, I’ve had not-so good hair days with extremely horrible bad hair days and head wraps have been a real savior. Each time,… Continue reading →
I was at a chamaa meeting last week and it seemed like I spent most of my recess time leaning against the refreshment table. It’s not that I was waiting to see who would take the last of the appetizing black forest cake or for extra helpings, but I had a rather peculiar reason. You see, I had worn very uncomfortable platform pumps that were causing me to lose my balance. The lean against that table was my shameless disguise as I tried to find my balance. This went on for long and at some… Continue reading →
Have you ever walked out of the house and down the street or around town, glanced around only to find that you had an outfit similar to everyone else around you? At this point, you probably wished you were different and unique from the crowd. You’ve heard number of times that in life it’s the little things that matter. This saying can easily find it’s backing in fashion whereby little details you add to your outfit can make or break your final look stand out. How can you accessorize your outfits? Two words; Scarf It!… Continue reading →