Author Archives: cazz
I am a mother of three and going through my first pregnancy. My ex husband and I were not able to have children biologically so we adopted the most gorgeous children; 2 boys and 1 girl. Like any family, we’ve had our challenges and concerns for our children, even now when we are not together. Ultimately, we are committed to our children and their well being. Last year a girlfriend set me up on a blind date with a man I decided didn’t suit me in any way. Lucky for me he was persistent. Two… Continue reading →
My teen years were plagued by intense crushes that had me crying into the night, struggling for breath if my crush walked into the room or appeared on TV. Endless hours spent day dreaming of what our lives would be like. Ultimately, he would adore me and we would live happily ever after. Crush number 1… standard 8. I was pint sized, still flat chested but witty and extrovert. Ed had already broken his voice, had the shadow of a moustache and bulging mini-triceps. Quite the dish. I loved from afar, usually collapsing if he… Continue reading →
Mature successful woman looking for her ideal man. Your kind, intelligent, can hold your own, confident, and articulate. You know exactly how to treat a woman like a queen…consistently and without complaint. These are the sort of postings you find on dating sites, thousands of profiles that you are either intrigued by or skip over. I’ve joined quite a number of dating sites through the years, joining the “single and free” to mingle with the rest of the cyber lonely hearts, adventurers and imposters. Determined to make that once in a lifetime connection I turned… Continue reading →
“There’s a lot more to being a woman than being a mother, but there’s a hell a lot more to being a mother than most people suspect” Roseanne Barr I have a confession. I hereby confess that nothing, nothing, nothing could have prepared me for being a mom. Don’t get me wrong, it has more perks than cons, but even moms need to get away from it all ….and recently I ran away from home… again. Let me explain. My brood of 3 range in age between 17 and 11. My teen daughter constantly reminds… Continue reading →
If your about my age you’ll remember the 1986 movie ‘About last night” (yeah 1986) starring 80’s brat packers Demi Moore and Rob Lowe. A romance that started with a one night stand. Sigh. Well since then the whole one night stand story has been done over and over again and from every angle. Literally. From booty call to friends with benefits there is no real conclusion to draw yet on the sexual exploits of the consenting adult. I’ve never really been into the one night stand but when I was younger it wasn’t as… Continue reading →
Back in the married days I had a number of friends going through the usual rough patches in their relationships and, you know, we talked about almost everything. The truly unhappy shared their plans to leave and we, clue less at the time, marveled at their resolve and determination while pitying them. How could they possibly think they could leave their husbands and survive! Well I soon found out. Since my marriage ended 6 years ago I have moved 7 times. And it’s been quite the journey. Move 1 The kids, dogs, staff and I… Continue reading →
Politics, the environment, life …the hot topic still remains relationships. He said, she said. The FM stations have taken full advantage of these differences. And why not …staged or real we’re listening, commenting and in many cases relating to the stories. But the more I listen the more disturbed I become. Do the sexes really hate each other this much? Is this the new order… revenge sex, rabid comments, total dishonesty, no comprise, just surrender. I know men and women may not understand each other, and the power shifts and struggles are on the increase,… Continue reading →
I’ve always loved being around men to be honest. Rough or polished I am at ease with many and of course through the years I’ve had all sorts stay, come in and out of my life. These are my personal favorites that have been very dear to me these past five years as I’ve adjusted to my single mum status…. The Divas My glittering gay pals are the funniest, most supportive and stylish men I have the pleasure of knowing. Silver tongued and witty to boot they are my protectors and I am their token… Continue reading →
I was born in the early 70’s (I know quite shocking!). The privileged first born child I was fed like a prize calf. Happy, healthy and chubby I was the apple of my parent’s eye. Fast forward to present time – still an apple. The apple shape is top heavy … you know the generous boobs, equally generous midriff, slender hips and legs and pseudo waistline. I wistfully look at my pear friends – their voluptuous curves, their waistlines and wonder if I should get a butt job. Shift the belly fat to my butt…. Continue reading →
“You don’t have to be anti-man to be pro-woman” ~ Jane Galvin Lewis My sisters and I grew up knowing without a shadow of doubt that the world really was our oyster and we could achieve anything that we put our minds to. In spite of our strong Kenyan heritage our parents where incredibly liberal – they talked to us about sex, AIDS and HIV, drugs and even welcomed our boyfriends. We got through our teens unscathed, intact and very expressive. At 21 I gifted my virginity to my first proper proper boyfriend. Oh the… Continue reading →