Author Archives: anshii
Here we are, at the end of another decade. I can’t believe 10 years has just flown by in a blink of an eye! I still remember the hype of the coming millennia when everybody was worried about what the Y2K bug will do to us – how it will shut everyone down. That was 1999 and now, 10 years has flown by. While we are left to ponder what have we achieved in the last 10 years, let’s take a look back at the trends we loved, hated and can’t get enough of……. Do… Continue reading →
It is not always easy to spot replica Louis Vuitton Handbags, especially when many buyers are unfamiliar with the genuine designer goods. It gets even scarier when the advisers in LV boutiques themselves cannot tell the difference! It has happened to a friend’s friend who, in Australia, bought a genuine LV bag and then bought a top-grade LV replica. She brought the replica back to LV saying she wants an exchange for a different design. At the end of the day, 1 to girlfriend, 0 to LV. She ended up with 2 genuine handbags for… Continue reading →