Psalm 46:10 Be still, and know that I am God.
Sometimes Our Good Lord just wants us to stop working at whatever problem we are facing, to pause in solution hunting, to lay down the tools of war, to stop praying while crying, to cease the loud lamentations, and just be at peace and leave it all to Him. In this instruction to us, we are asked to dare to believe.
I am a true believer- no matter what level of sinner the world may label me. I tell you! There are moments when I will stop worrying about it all. Bila kujali – without a single doubt – that it will all be solved in a miraculous way. And guess what? All the time that I have chosen to be still and to acknowledge that my God is able, He has fulfilled my wish beyond my wildest dreams.
I once wrote my friends..about four or more years back. I suspect most just went duh?! I said in this mail, that it is possible that sometimes to solve our problems, God turns back the hands of time for particular situations, and makes things right again. It’s complicated, but Science Fiction movies have shown just how easily possible it is. If man can do it in make believe, how much so easier is it for our Lord? I guess that is why we get dejavu about a place, occurrence or person. That ; “I have been there, done that, interacted with”…..feeling.
I am amazed and glad to know this because I have noticed that my countrymen have a knack for lying, deceit and conman ship, which is totally unwarranted. Not realizing that what goes around…does come around. Some time back, I wrote about a butchery I was frequenting, that had special cuts at unbelievable rates. Well, Towards Christmas I went there, hoping to get some bulk purchases for the festive season. Shock on me. The place had a stench from the putrefying meats. Oooh yes, and none of the fellows inside, had an excuse, guilt, fear or even regret at what they were doing. I would imagine, since they are not so educated, it might be one of their own, that will get sick or worse from the same foul meat. As for me and mine, I ceased visits to that spot henceforth. Talk about a good deal gone bad.
This last festive season, my three loves traveled to the coast with an aunt. It was a wonderful time for them all. For the boys, it was a first time visit. Miss D is a regular there. Luckily and thankfully, it was the time when Kenyans decided, “Pwani Twaja” – Coast here we come. It seems the whole of Nairobi went to see and enjoy the coast. They met so many friends, that making new ones wasn’t necessary. I was elated because one; so many people embraced local tourism, and two: that “wanjiku” has realized that all work and no play makes Jack a dull boy. It is a sign of development when masses of ordinary people wake up to the call to spend on holiday travel, other than going to the village.
Accommodation rates were affordable and Kenyans being the level minded people we are, were on “bed only” basis almost everywhere. Yes and why not? All the better for families to enjoy the food treats “abroad”, and spread the economic benefit. Bed here, food there, transport elsewhere and momentos from still another. My three beloved, also got to visit relatives and friends albeit briefly, who live in those nether lands.
This was all good for all of us. I got to rest- actually, taking a break from worrying about what menus to do, who’s washing is done, what I have to buy for who on my way home and all other endless mental and physical chores, is a huge break. They may seem little, inconsequential and simple tasks; but coupled with work hassles, relative issues, man & financial problems etc…..a woman can have quite a load to carry on two simple stressed shoulders. Read mine. My three loves on the other hand, are now better placed to understand what kind of life I have lived, having transversed most of the country on a not so humble basis, courtesy their father(R.I.P) in our wedded bliss and in youthful days of yonder.
It’s sad that sometimes parents go on about all the good places they have been to, great meals they have partaken and great people they have met, or great things they have done, to their own children who might be so placed as to only dreams of how that may feel like. Why not give them an actual taste of it? Nothing opens up a young mind, than exposure. Exposure to that which is they think is unreachable. Children are hopeful and have minds so easy to mould. Mould them in the right fold. Place hope for availability and access to all things good, to them.
I have endeavored to take my three beloved to all places high and mighty, to show them how normal all my mighty friends are, by telling them about their normal lives. By cooking for and teaching them about all foods thought rare and expensive. By showing them how fickle money is, but just how important it is to have it, and hold it. By painstakingly proving to them through and through, how useless power and fame can be, if discipline, empathy and humility are absent.
So we are into this new year- 2010. Before World cup comes and turns the world topsy turvy again, I have yet these months remaining, to teach my brood so much, through so many tastes, events, people, circumstance and places.
Of all my joys, motherhood is my most treasured and gives me most reason to be still and know that my Lord is God.
Ye all be still!
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Emerald Sua is a Christian single mother who prides herself as a voluntary organizational guru for lives, systems, situations and homes.