Ask Lily is a column on The Lily Review where users can post questions or dilemmas they may be going through and other members of the community can respond with possible solutions. Click here to send in your question. Share you solutions or thoughts in the comments.
There is a guy that i really like, bu t he does not know that coz i never give him any signs,besides he is in a steady relationship. Should i approach him and spill out my guts to him or let it go?
Hey Sharon
While there are [many] exceptions to every rule, the average guy prefers to chase than be chased. If you pursue a guy, 9 times out of 10, he will run away. And that 1 time out of 10, he will not value you as much as a girl he actually had to work hard to get. Most guys feel that a girl who pursues them is desperate, and no guy will treat you well once he deems you desperate. He knows he can get a way with murder, and many times, he’ll take advantage of that. plus he’ll boast to his friends about how you chased him, and it’s not generally discussed as a compliment.
That said, it’s always a bad idea to go after someone else’s man. Even if by some miracle he does leave the other girl for you, he’ll be equally likely to leave you for another girl. Think about it…
Aunt Tabby